Task 47
Task 47
SHC Task 47

Solar Renovation of Non-Residential Buildings

Project (Task) Subtasks

Subtask A (Advanced Exemplary Projects - Information Collection & Brief Analysis)

  • Documentation of the design, performance, process and motivations of exemplary
    building renovations


  • Subtask structured brochures available for downloading on the SHC public Website
  • Lessons learned summary from example buildings on the SHC public website
  • Two dissemination seminars held in connection with the expert meetings.
  • Survey of national renovation guidelines.

Audience: Architects, building owners, institutions, teachers

Schedule: Template brochures March 2011
Brochures added throughout the duration of the Task
First dissemination seminar autumn 2011, second in 2013

Subtask B (Market and Policy issues and Marketing Strategies)

  • A simplified building stock analysis for the countries actively participating in the subtask. Together with an analysis of the ownership structure this will form the information foundation for identifying segments with high potential. [B1]
  • In depth descriptions of decision making processes in case studies in the participating countries (minimum 2 case studies from the participating countries in the subtask). These reports will also describe how non energy benefits of the investments have influenced the process, and how attitudes change among decision makers during the process. [B2]
  • Based on [B2] and project descriptions delivered by subtask A, a discussion with conclusions regarding barriers and driving forced in decision making processes will be summarized. This report should be of great interest for building owners and actors in the building industry. [B3]
  • Based on the other deliverables it will be discussed how authorities may increase the number of ambitious energy efficiency projects in the non residential sector. [B4]
  • Two workshops held in conjunction with expert meetings. [B5]

The different sub deliveries will be gathered in a final report.

Audience: Actors in the building industry focusing on renovation projects, local and national authorities, owners.

Schedule: March 2012: Simplified building stock analysis.
Case studies will be completed. Throughout the duration of the Task.
June 2013: Summary of barriers and driving forces.
October 2013: Discussion of how authorities may speed up this market.
October 2012 and October 2013: Workshops.
March 2014: Final report

Subtask C (Assessment of Technical Solutions and Operational Management)

  • A documentation of building information and data on a website (coop. with subt.A)
  • Detailed description of two best case buildings (school and office building) considering (i) before and (ii) after retrofit. A third step is the description of the building performance (iii) with optimized control and operation algorithms applied.
  • A technical report with recommendations for (i) the assessment of new technologies for retrofit and (ii) a description of successful path to “nearzero energy buildings” (NZEB) with good indoor comfort.

Audience: Architects, building owners, supply industry

Schedule: Brochures/booklets added throughout the duration of the Task
Final Technical report in June 2014

Subtask D (Environmental and Health Impact Assessment)

  • A booklet on sustainable and advanced renovation of non residential building, especially renovation of schools. [D1]
  • Two task workshops to discuss:
    • The selected criteria and the analysis of exemplary projects
    • The table of content of the booklet

Audience: Architects, teachers and students, (building owners and institutions)

Schedule: Sept. 2011: presentation of selected criteria
June 2012: analysis of exemplary projects (could be added throughout the duration of the Task)
March 2013: presentation of table of content
June 2014: Final booklet for ExCo approval.